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  • 来自: 吉林

蚁群算法 (转载)


         蚁群算法,最早是1992年由Marco Dorigo在他的博士论文中提出的,是一种通过模拟自然界蚂蚁寻径的行为,提出的一种全新的模拟进化算法。据昆虫学家的观察和研究发现,生物世界中的蚂蚁有能力在没有任何可见提示下找到从其巢穴到食物源的最短路径,并能随环境的变化而变化,适应性地搜索新的路径,产生新的选择。这是因为蚂蚁在寻找路径时会在路径上释放一种特殊的分泌物——信息素,使得一定范围内的其他蚂蚁能够觉察并影响它们以后的寻径行为。当一些路径上通过的蚂蚁越来越多时,该路径上的信息素浓度就越大,后来的蚂蚁选择该路径的可能性就越大,从而进一步增加了该路径上的信息素浓度,这种选择过程称为蚂蚁的自催化行为


  1. 根据具体问题设置多只蚂蚁,分头并行搜索。
  2. 每只蚂蚁完成一次周游后,在行进的路上释放信息素,信息素量与解的质量成正比。
  1. 蚂蚁路径的选择根据信息素强度大小(初始信息素量设为相等),同时考虑两点之间的距离,采用随机的局部搜索策略。这使得距离较短的边,其上的信息素量较大,后来的蚂蚁选择该边的概率也较大。
  2. 每只蚂蚁只能走合法路线(经过每个城市1次且仅1次),为此设置禁忌表来控制。
  1. 所有蚂蚁都搜索完一次就是迭代一次,每迭代一次就对所有的边做一次信息素更新,原来的蚂蚁死掉,新的蚂蚁进行新一轮搜索。
  2. 更新信息素包括原有信息素的蒸发和经过的路径上信息素的增加。
  1. 达到预定的迭代步数,或出现停滞现象(所有蚂蚁都选择同样的路径,解不再变化),则算法结束,以当前最优解作为问题的最优解。

     1.  初始化参数:开始时,每条边的信息素量都相等</p>
     2.  将各只蚂蚁放置各顶点,禁忌表为对应的顶点。</p>
     3. 取1只蚂蚁,计算转移概率 ,按照轮 盘赌的方式选择下一个顶点,更新禁忌表,再计算概率,再选择顶点,再更新禁忌表,直至遍历所有顶点一次。</p>
     4.计算该只蚂蚁留在各边的信息素量 ,该蚂蚁死去。</p>
     5. 重复3-4步,直至m只蚂蚁都周游完毕。</p>
     6. 计算各边的信息素增量 和信息素量 。</p>
     7. 计算本次迭代的路径,更新当前的最优路径,清空禁忌表。</p>
     8. 判断是否达到预定的迭代步数,或者是否出现停滞现象,若是则算法结束,输出当前最优路径,否则转到步骤2,进行下一次迭代。









# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 16 15:21:03 2018 
@author: SYSTEM 
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
# % pylab
coordinates = np.array([[565.0, 575.0], [25.0, 185.0], [345.0, 750.0], [945.0, 685.0], [845.0, 655.0],
                        [880.0, 660.0], [25.0, 230.0], [525.0, 1000.0], [580.0, 1175.0], [650.0, 1130.0],
                        [1605.0, 620.0], [1220.0, 580.0], [1465.0, 200.0], [1530.0, 5.0], [845.0, 680.0],
                        [725.0, 370.0], [145.0, 665.0], [415.0, 635.0], [510.0, 875.0], [560.0, 365.0],
                        [300.0, 465.0], [520.0, 585.0], [480.0, 415.0], [835.0, 625.0], [975.0, 580.0],
                        [1215.0, 245.0], [1320.0, 315.0], [1250.0, 400.0], [660.0, 180.0], [410.0, 250.0],
                        [420.0, 555.0], [575.0, 665.0], [1150.0, 1160.0], [700.0, 580.0], [685.0, 595.0],
                        [685.0, 610.0], [770.0, 610.0], [795.0, 645.0], [720.0, 635.0], [760.0, 650.0],
                        [475.0, 960.0], [95.0, 260.0], [875.0, 920.0], [700.0, 500.0], [555.0, 815.0],
                        [830.0, 485.0], [1170.0, 65.0], [830.0, 610.0], [605.0, 625.0], [595.0, 360.0],
                        [1340.0, 725.0], [1740.0, 245.0]])
def getdistmat(coordinates):
    num = coordinates.shape[0]
    distmat = np.zeros((52, 52))
    # 初始化生成52*52的矩阵
    for i in range(len(coordinates)):
        xi,yi = coordinates[i][0],coordinates[i][1]
        for j in range(len(coordinates)):
            xj,yj = coordinates[j][0],coordinates[j][1]
            if (xi==xj) & (yi==yj):
                distmat[i,j] = round(0)
                #distmat[i,j] = round(math.sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2),2)
                distmat[i,j] = round(math.sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2))
    return distmat
distmat = getdistmat(coordinates)
print distmat
numant = 60  # 蚂蚁个数
numcity = coordinates.shape[0]
# shape[0]=52 城市个数,也就是任务个数
alpha = 1  # 信息素重要程度因子
beta = 3   # 启发函数重要程度因子
rho = 0.1  # 信息素的挥发速度
Q = 1      # 完成率
iter = 0       #迭代初始
itermax = 500  #迭代总数
#print np.diag([1e10] * numcity)
etatable = 1.0 / (distmat + np.diag([1e10] * numcity))
#print etatable
#diag(),将一维数组转化为方阵 启发函数矩阵,表示蚂蚁从城市i转移到城市j的期望程度
pheromonetable = np.ones((numcity, numcity))
# 信息素矩阵 52*52
pathtable = np.zeros((numant, numcity)).astype(int)
# 路径记录表,转化成整型 40*52
distmat = getdistmat(coordinates)
# 城市的距离矩阵 52*52
lengthaver = np.zeros(itermax)  # 迭代50次,存放每次迭代后,路径的平均长度  50*1
lengthbest = np.zeros(itermax)  # 迭代50次,存放每次迭代后,最佳路径长度  50*1
pathbest = np.zeros((itermax, numcity))  # 迭代50次,存放每次迭代后,最佳路径城市的坐标 50*52
while iter < itermax:
    if numant <= numcity:  # 城市数比蚂蚁数多,不用管
        pathtable[:, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(1,numcity))[:numant-1]
    else:  # 蚂蚁数比城市数多,需要有城市放多个蚂蚁
        pathtable[:numcity, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(numcity))[:]
        # 先放52个
        pathtable[numcity:, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(numcity))[:numant - numcity]
        # 再把剩下的放完
        # print(pathtable[:,0])
    #print pathtable
    length = np.zeros(numant)  # 1*40的数组
    for i in range(numant):
        # i=0
        visiting = pathtable[i, 0]  # 当前所在的城市
        # set()创建一个无序不重复元素集合
        # visited = set() #已访问过的城市,防止重复
        # visited.add(visiting) #增加元素
        unvisited = set(range(numcity))
        unvisited.remove(visiting)  # 删除已经访问过的城市元素
        for j in range(1, numcity):  # 循环numcity-1次,访问剩余的所有numcity-1个城市
            # j=1
            # 每次用轮*盘法选择下一个要访问的城市
            listunvisited = list(unvisited)
            probtrans = np.zeros(len(listunvisited))
            for k in range(len(listunvisited)):
                probtrans[k] = np.power(pheromonetable[visiting][listunvisited[k]], alpha) \
                               * np.power(etatable[visiting][listunvisited[k]], beta)
            #eta-从城市i到城市j的启发因子 这是概率公式的分母   其中[visiting][listunvis[k]]是从本城市到k城市的信息素
            cumsumprobtrans = (probtrans / sum(probtrans)).cumsum()
            cumsumprobtrans -= np.random.rand()
            # 随机生成下个城市的转移概率,再用区间比较
            # k = listunvisited[find(cumsumprobtrans > 0)[0]]
            k = listunvisited[list(cumsumprobtrans > 0).index(True)]
            # k = listunvisited[np.where(cumsumprobtrans > 0)[0]]
            # where 函数选出符合cumsumprobtans>0的数
            # 下一个要访问的城市
            pathtable[i, j] = k
            # visited.add(k)
            length[i] += distmat[visiting][k]
            visiting = k
        length[i] += distmat[visiting][pathtable[i, 0]]
        # 计算本只蚂蚁的总的路径距离,包括最后一个城市和第一个城市的距离
    # print("ants all length:",length)
    # 包含所有蚂蚁的一个迭代结束后,统计本次迭代的若干统计参数
    lengthaver[iter] = length.mean()
    if iter == 0:
        lengthbest[iter] = length.min()
        pathbest[iter] = pathtable[length.argmin()].copy()
        if length.min() > lengthbest[iter - 1]:
            lengthbest[iter] = lengthbest[iter - 1]
            pathbest[iter] = pathbest[iter - 1].copy()
        # 如果是第一轮路径,则选择本轮最短的路径,并返回索引值下标,并将其记录
            lengthbest[iter] = length.min()
            pathbest[iter] = pathtable[length.argmin()].copy()
    changepheromonetable = np.zeros((numcity, numcity))
    for i in range(numant):#更新所有的蚂蚁
        for j in range(numcity - 1):
            changepheromonetable[pathtable[i, j]][pathtable[i, j + 1]] += Q / distmat[pathtable[i, j]][pathtable[i, j + 1]]
            #根据公式更新本只蚂蚁改变的城市间的信息素      Q/d   其中d是从第j个城市到第j+1个城市的距离
        changepheromonetable[pathtable[i, j + 1]][pathtable[i, 0]] += Q / distmat[pathtable[i, j + 1]][pathtable[i, 0]]
        #首城市到最后一个城市 所有蚂蚁改变的信息素总和
    pheromonetable = (1 - rho) * pheromonetable + changepheromonetable

    iter += 1  # 迭代次数指示器+1
    print("this iteration end:",iter)
    # 观察程序执行进度,该功能是非必须的
    if (iter - 1) % 20 == 0:
        print("schedule:",iter - 1)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 10))
axes[0].plot(lengthaver, 'k', marker='*')
axes[0].set_title('Average Length')
#线条颜色black https://blog.csdn.net/ywjun0919/article/details/8692018
#axes[1].plot(lengthbest, 'k', marker='<')
axes[1].set_title('Best Length')
#fig.savefig('Average_Best.png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')
# 作出找到的最优路径图
bestpath = pathbest[-1]
plt.plot(coordinates[:, 0], coordinates[:, 1], 'r.', marker='>')
plt.xlim([-100, 2000])
plt.ylim([-100, 1500])
for i in range(numcity - 1):
    m, n = int(bestpath[i]), int(bestpath[i + 1])
    print("best_path:",m, n)
    plt.plot([coordinates[m][0],coordinates[n][0]],   [coordinates[m][1], coordinates[n][1]],  'k')
plt.plot([coordinates[int(bestpath[0])][0],coordinates[int(bestpath[51])][0]],    [coordinates[int(bestpath[0])][1],coordinates[int(bestpath[51])][1]]   ,'b')
print lengthbest.min()
#ax = plt.gca()
#ax.set_title("Best Path")
#plt.savefig('Best Path.png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')





import math
import random
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pylab import mpl
import numpy as np

def getdistmat(coordinates):
    num = coordinates.shape[0]
    distmat = np.zeros((num, num))
    # 初始化生成52*52的矩阵
    for i in range(len(coordinates)):
        xi,yi = coordinates[i][0],coordinates[i][1]
        for j in range(len(coordinates)):
            xj,yj = coordinates[j][0],coordinates[j][1]
            if (xi==xj) & (yi==yj):
                distmat[i,j] = round(0)
                distmat[i,j] = int(math.sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2))
    return distmat

def calFitness(line,dis_matrix):
    dis_sum = 0
    dis = 0
    for i in range(len(line)-1):
        dis = dis_matrix[line[i],line[i+1]]#计算距离
        dis_sum = dis_sum+dis
    dis = dis_matrix[line[-1],line[0]]
    dis_sum = dis_sum+dis
    return round(dis_sum,1)

def draw_path(line,CityCoordinates):
    x,y= [],[]
    for i in line:
        Coordinate = CityCoordinates[i]
    plt.plot(x, y,'r-', color='#4169E1', alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.8)

def crossover(bird,pLine,gLine,w,c1,c2):
    croBird = [None]*len(bird)#初始化
    parent1 = bird#选择parent1
    randNum = random.uniform(0, sum([w,c1,c2]))
    if randNum <= w:
        parent2 = [bird[i] for i in range(len(bird)-1,-1,-1)]#bird的逆序
    elif randNum <= w+c1:
        parent2 = pLine
        parent2 = gLine
    #parent1-> croBird
    start_pos = random.randint(0,len(parent1)-1)
    end_pos = random.randint(0,len(parent1)-1)
    if start_pos>end_pos:start_pos,end_pos = end_pos,start_pos
    croBird[start_pos:end_pos+1] = np.copy(parent1[start_pos:end_pos+1])
    # parent2 -> croBird
    list1 = list(range(0,start_pos))
    list2 = list(range(end_pos+1,len(parent2)))
    list_index = list1+list2#croBird从后往前填充
    j = -1
    for i in list_index:
        for j in range(j+1,len(parent2)+1):
            if parent2[j] not in croBird:
                croBird[i] = parent2[j]
    return croBird

CityNum = 52#城市数量
MinCoordinate = 0#二维坐标最小值
MaxCoordinate = 101#二维坐标最大值
iterMax = 1000#迭代次数
iterI = 1#当前迭代次数

birdNum = 100#粒子数量
w = 0.3#惯性因子
c1 = 0.3#自我认知因子
c2 = 0.4#社会认知因子
pBest,pLine =0,[]#当前最优值、当前最优解,(自我认知部分)
gBest,gLine = 0,[]#全局最优值、全局最优解,(社会认知部分)

coordinates = np.array([[565.0, 575.0], [25.0, 185.0], [345.0, 750.0], [945.0, 685.0], [845.0, 655.0],
                        [880.0, 660.0], [25.0, 230.0], [525.0, 1000.0], [580.0, 1175.0], [650.0, 1130.0],
                        [1605.0, 620.0], [1220.0, 580.0], [1465.0, 200.0], [1530.0, 5.0], [845.0, 680.0],
                        [725.0, 370.0], [145.0, 665.0], [415.0, 635.0], [510.0, 875.0], [560.0, 365.0],
                        [300.0, 465.0], [520.0, 585.0], [480.0, 415.0], [835.0, 625.0], [975.0, 580.0],
                        [1215.0, 245.0], [1320.0, 315.0], [1250.0, 400.0], [660.0, 180.0], [410.0, 250.0],
                        [420.0, 555.0], [575.0, 665.0], [1150.0, 1160.0], [700.0, 580.0], [685.0, 595.0],
                        [685.0, 610.0], [770.0, 610.0], [795.0, 645.0], [720.0, 635.0], [760.0, 650.0],
                        [475.0, 960.0], [95.0, 260.0], [875.0, 920.0], [700.0, 500.0], [555.0, 815.0],
                        [830.0, 485.0], [1170.0, 65.0], [830.0, 610.0], [605.0, 625.0], [595.0, 360.0],
                        [1340.0, 725.0], [1740.0, 245.0]])
dis_matrix = getdistmat(coordinates)#计算城市间距离,生成矩阵

birdPop = [random.sample(range(len(coordinates)),len(coordinates)) for i in range(birdNum)]#初始化种群,随机生成
fits = [calFitness(birdPop[i],dis_matrix) for i in range(birdNum)]#计算种群适应度
gBest = pBest = min(fits)#全局最优值、当前最优值
gLine = pLine = birdPop[fits.index(min(fits))]#全局最优解、当前最优解

while iterI <= iterMax:#迭代开始
    for i in range(len(birdPop)):
        birdPop[i] = crossover(birdPop[i],pLine,gLine,w,c1,c2)
        fits[i] = calFitness(birdPop[i],dis_matrix)

    pBest,pLine =  min(fits),birdPop[fits.index(min(fits))]
    if min(fits) <= gBest:
        gBest,gLine =  min(fits),birdPop[fits.index(min(fits))]

    if (iterI % 20 == 0):
    iterI += 1#迭代计数加一



# Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search
import numpy as np
import random as rd
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

destory_num = 7
coordinates = np.array([[565.0, 575.0], [25.0, 185.0], [345.0, 750.0], [945.0, 685.0], [845.0, 655.0],
                        [880.0, 660.0], [25.0, 230.0], [525.0, 1000.0], [580.0, 1175.0], [650.0, 1130.0],
                        [1605.0, 620.0], [1220.0, 580.0], [1465.0, 200.0], [1530.0, 5.0], [845.0, 680.0],
                        [725.0, 370.0], [145.0, 665.0], [415.0, 635.0], [510.0, 875.0], [560.0, 365.0],
                        [300.0, 465.0], [520.0, 585.0], [480.0, 415.0], [835.0, 625.0], [975.0, 580.0],
                        [1215.0, 245.0], [1320.0, 315.0], [1250.0, 400.0], [660.0, 180.0], [410.0, 250.0],
                        [420.0, 555.0], [575.0, 665.0], [1150.0, 1160.0], [700.0, 580.0], [685.0, 595.0],
                        [685.0, 610.0], [770.0, 610.0], [795.0, 645.0], [720.0, 635.0], [760.0, 650.0],
                        [475.0, 960.0], [95.0, 260.0], [875.0, 920.0], [700.0, 500.0], [555.0, 815.0],
                        [830.0, 485.0], [1170.0, 65.0], [830.0, 610.0], [605.0, 625.0], [595.0, 360.0],
                        [1340.0, 725.0], [1740.0, 245.0]])
def getdistmat(coordinates):
    num = coordinates.shape[0]
    distmat = np.zeros((num, num))
    # 初始化生成52*52的矩阵
    for i in range(len(coordinates)):
        xi,yi = coordinates[i][0],coordinates[i][1]
        for j in range(len(coordinates)):
            xj,yj = coordinates[j][0],coordinates[j][1]
            if (xi==xj) & (yi==yj):
                distmat[i,j] = round(0)
                distmat[i,j] = int(math.sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2))
    return distmat
distmat = getdistmat(coordinates)
print distmat
numcity = coordinates.shape[0]

distmat = np.array([[0,350,290,670,600,500,660,440,720,410,480,970],

def disCal(path):             # calculate distance
    distance = 0
    for i in range(0, len(path) - 1):
        distance += distmat[path[i]][path[i + 1]]
    distance += distmat[path[-1]][path[0]]
    return distance

def selectAndUseDestroyOperator(destroyWeight,currentSolution):    # select and use destroy operators
    destroyOperator = -1
    sol = copy.deepcopy(currentSolution)
    destroyRoulette = np.array(destroyWeight).cumsum()
    r = rd.uniform(0, max(destroyRoulette))
    for i in range(len(destroyRoulette)):
        if destroyRoulette[i] >= r:
            if i == 0:
                destroyOperator = i
                removedCities = randomDestroy(sol)
                destroyUseTimes[i] += 1
            elif i == 1:
                destroyOperator = i
                removedCities = max3Destroy(sol)
                destroyUseTimes[i] += 1
    return sol,removedCities,destroyOperator

def selectAndUseRepairOperator(repairWeight,destroyedSolution,removeList):    # select and use repair operators
    repairOperator = -1
    repairRoulette = np.array(repairWeight).cumsum()
    r = rd.uniform(0, max(repairRoulette))
    #for i in range(len(repairRoulette)):
    #    if repairRoulette[i] >= r:
    if i == 0:
        repairOperator = i
        repairUseTimes[i] += 1
    #    break
    elif i == 1:
        repairOperator = i
        repairUseTimes[i] += 1
    #    break
    return destroyedSolution,repairOperator

def randomDestroy(sol):    # randomly remove 3 cities
    solNew = copy.deepcopy(sol)
    removed = []
    removeIndex = rd.sample(range(0, distmat.shape[0]), destory_num)
    for i in removeIndex:
    return removed

def max3Destroy(sol):      # remove city with 3 longest segments
    solNew = copy.deepcopy(sol)
    removed = []
    dis = []
    for i in range(len(sol) - 1):
        dis.append(distmat[sol[i]][sol[i + 1]])
    disSort = copy.deepcopy(dis)
    for i in range(destory_num):
        if dis.index(disSort[len(disSort) - i - 1]) == len(dis) - 1:
            removed.append(solNew[dis.index(disSort[len(disSort) - i - 1]) + 1])
            sol.remove(solNew[dis.index(disSort[len(disSort) - i - 1]) + 1])
    return removed

def randomInsert(sol,removeList):     # randomly insert 3 cities
    insertIndex = rd.sample(range(0, distmat.shape[0]), destory_num)
    for i in range(len(insertIndex)):

def greedyInsert(sol,removeList):     # greedy insertion
    dis = float("inf")
    insertIndex = -1
    for i in range(len(removeList)):
        for j in range(len(sol) + 1):
            solNew = copy.deepcopy(sol)
            if disCal(solNew) < dis:
                dis = disCal(solNew)
                insertIndex = j
        dis = float("inf")

T = 200
a = 0.9
b = 0.5
wDestroy = [1 for i in range(2)]     # weights of the destroy operators
wRepair = [1 for i in range(2)]      # weights of the repair operators
destroyUseTimes = [0 for i in range(2)]     #The number of times the destroy operator has been used
repairUseTimes = [0 for i in range(2)]      #The number of times the repair operator has been used
destroyScore = [1 for i in range(2)]      # the score of destroy operators
repairScore = [1 for i in range(2)]       # the score of repair operators
solution = [i for i in range(distmat.shape[0])] # initial solution
bestSolution = copy.deepcopy(solution)  # best solution
iterx, iterxMax = 0, 20

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lengthaver = []
    lengthbest = []
    while iterx < iterxMax:       # while stop criteria not met
        while T > 10:
            destroyedSolution,remove,destroyOperatorIndex = selectAndUseDestroyOperator(wDestroy,solution)
            newSolution,repairOperatorIndex = selectAndUseRepairOperator(wRepair,destroyedSolution,remove)

            if disCal(newSolution) <= disCal(solution):
                solution = newSolution
                if disCal(newSolution) <= disCal(bestSolution):
                    bestSolution = newSolution

                    destroyScore[destroyOperatorIndex] += 1.4     # update the score of the operators
                    repairScore[repairOperatorIndex] += 1.4
                    destroyScore[destroyOperatorIndex] += 1.1
                    repairScore[repairOperatorIndex] += 1.1
                if rd.random() < np.exp(- disCal(newSolution)/ T):  # the simulated annealing acceptance criteria
                    solution = newSolution
                    destroyScore[destroyOperatorIndex] += 0.9
                    repairScore[repairOperatorIndex] += 0.9
                    destroyScore[destroyOperatorIndex] += 0.6
                    repairScore[repairOperatorIndex] += 0.6

            wDestroy[destroyOperatorIndex] = wDestroy[destroyOperatorIndex] * b + (1 - b) * \
                                             (destroyScore[destroyOperatorIndex] / destroyUseTimes[destroyOperatorIndex])
            wRepair[repairOperatorIndex] = wRepair[repairOperatorIndex] * b + (1 - b) * \
                                           (repairScore[repairOperatorIndex] / repairUseTimes[repairOperatorIndex])
            # update the weight of the operators
            T = a * T 
        iterx += 1
        T = 100

    lengthbest = lengthaver
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 10))
    axes[0].plot(lengthaver, 'k', marker='*')
    axes[0].set_title('Average Length')

    #线条颜色black https://blog.csdn.net/ywjun0919/article/details/8692018
    axes[1].plot(lengthaver, 'k', marker='<')
    axes[1].set_title('Best Length')
    # 作出找到的最优路径图
    bestpath = bestSolution

    plt.plot(coordinates[:, 0], coordinates[:, 1], 'r.', marker='>')
    plt.xlim([-100, 2000])
    plt.ylim([-100, 1500])

    for i in range(numcity - 1):
        m, n = int(bestpath[i]), int(bestpath[i + 1])
        print("best_path:",m, n)
        plt.plot([coordinates[m][0],coordinates[n][0]],   [coordinates[m][1], coordinates[n][1]],  'k')

    plt.plot([coordinates[int(bestpath[0])][0],coordinates[int(bestpath[51])][0]],    [coordinates[int(bestpath[0])][1],coordinates[int(bestpath[51])][1]]   ,'b')




# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

coordinates = np.array([[565.0, 575.0], [25.0, 185.0], [345.0, 750.0], [945.0, 685.0], [845.0, 655.0],
                        [880.0, 660.0], [25.0, 230.0], [525.0, 1000.0], [580.0, 1175.0], [650.0, 1130.0],
                        [1605.0, 620.0], [1220.0, 580.0], [1465.0, 200.0], [1530.0, 5.0], [845.0, 680.0],
                        [725.0, 370.0], [145.0, 665.0], [415.0, 635.0], [510.0, 875.0], [560.0, 365.0],
                        [300.0, 465.0], [520.0, 585.0], [480.0, 415.0], [835.0, 625.0], [975.0, 580.0],
                        [1215.0, 245.0], [1320.0, 315.0], [1250.0, 400.0], [660.0, 180.0], [410.0, 250.0],
                        [420.0, 555.0], [575.0, 665.0], [1150.0, 1160.0], [700.0, 580.0], [685.0, 595.0],
                        [685.0, 610.0], [770.0, 610.0], [795.0, 645.0], [720.0, 635.0], [760.0, 650.0],
                        [475.0, 960.0], [95.0, 260.0], [875.0, 920.0], [700.0, 500.0], [555.0, 815.0],
                        [830.0, 485.0], [1170.0, 65.0], [830.0, 610.0], [605.0, 625.0], [595.0, 360.0],
                        [1340.0, 725.0], [1740.0, 245.0]])
def getdistmat(coordinates):
    num = coordinates.shape[0]
    distmat = np.zeros((52, 52))
    # 初始化生成52*52的矩阵
    for i in range(len(coordinates)):
        xi,yi = coordinates[i][0],coordinates[i][1]
        for j in range(len(coordinates)):
            xj,yj = coordinates[j][0],coordinates[j][1]
            if (xi==xj) & (yi==yj):
                distmat[i,j] = round(0)
                distmat[i,j] = round(math.sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2),2)
    return distmat
distmat = getdistmat(coordinates)
print distmat
numcity = coordinates.shape[0]

class TSP(object):
    citys = np.array([])    #城市数组
    pop_size = 100    #种群大小
    c_rate = 0.7    #交叉率
    m_rate = 0.05    #突变率
    pop = np.array([])    #种群数组
    fitness = np.array([])    #适应度数组
    city_size = -1        #标记城市数目
    ga_num = 200    #最大迭代次数
    best_dist = -1    #记录目前最优距离
    best_gen = []    #记录目前最优旅行方案
    best_length = []

    def __init__(self, c_rate, m_rate, pop_size, ga_num):
        self.fitness = np.zeros(self.pop_size)
        self.c_rate = c_rate
        self.m_rate = m_rate
        self.pop_size = pop_size
        self.ga_num = ga_num

    def init(self):
        tsp = self
        tsp.load_Citys()    #加载城市数据
        tsp.pop = tsp.creat_pop(tsp.pop_size)    #创建种群
        tsp.fitness = tsp.get_fitness(tsp.pop)    #计算初始种群适应度

    def creat_pop(self, size):
        pop = []
        for i in range(size):
            gene = np.arange(self.citys.shape[0])    #问题的解,基因,种群中的个体:[0,...,city_size]
            np.random.shuffle(gene)        #打乱数组[0,...,city_size]
            pop.append(gene)            #加入种群
        return np.array(pop)

    def get_fitness(self, pop):
        d = np.array([])                #适应度记录数组
        for i in range(pop.shape[0]):
            gen = pop[i]  # 取其中一条基因(编码解,个体)
            dis = self.gen_distance(gen)    #计算此基因优劣(距离长短)
            dis = self.best_dist / dis    #当前最优距离除以当前pop[i](个体)距离;越近适应度越高,最优适应度为1
            d = np.append(d, dis)  # 保存适应度pop[i]
        return d

    def get_local_fitness(self, gen, i):
        :param gen:城市路径
        :param i:第i城市
        di = 0
        fi = 0
        if i == 0:
            di = distmat[gen[0], gen[-1]]
            di = distmat[gen[i], gen[i - 1]]
        od = []
        for j in range(self.city_size):
            if i != j:
                od.append(distmat[gen[i], gen[i - 1]])
        mind = np.min(od)
        fi = di - mind
        return fi

    def EO(self, gen):
        local_fitness = []
        for g in range(self.city_size):
            f = self.get_local_fitness(gen, g)
        max_city_i = np.argmax(local_fitness)
        maxgen = np.copy(gen)
        if 1 < max_city_i < self.city_size - 1:
            for j in range(max_city_i):
                maxgen = np.copy(gen)
                jj = max_city_i
                while jj < self.city_size:
                    gen1 = self.exechange_gen(maxgen, j, jj)
                    d = self.gen_distance(maxgen)
                    d1 = self.gen_distance(gen1)
                    if d > d1:
                        maxgen = gen1[:]
                    jj += 1
        gen = maxgen
        return gen

    def select_pop(self, pop):
        best_f_index = np.argmax(self.fitness)
        av = np.median(self.fitness, axis=0)
        for i in range(self.pop_size):
            if i != best_f_index and self.fitness[i] < av:
                pi = self.cross(pop[best_f_index], pop[i])
                pi = self.mutate(pi)
                # d1 = self.distance(pi)
                # d2 = self.distance(pop[i])
                # if d1 < d2:
                pop[i, :] = pi[:]

        return pop

    def select_pop2(self, pop):
        probility = self.fitness / self.fitness.sum()
        idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.pop_size), size=self.pop_size, replace=True, p=probility)
        n_pop = pop[idx, :]
        return n_pop

    def cross(self, parent1, parent2):
        if np.random.rand() > self.c_rate:
            return parent1
        index1 = np.random.randint(0, self.city_size - 1)
        index2 = np.random.randint(index1, self.city_size - 1)
        tempGene = parent2[index1:index2]  # 交叉的基因片段
        newGene = []
        p1len = 0
        for g in parent1:
            if p1len == index1:
                newGene.extend(tempGene)  # 插入基因片段
            if g not in tempGene:
            p1len += 1
        newGene = np.array(newGene)

        if newGene.shape[0] != self.city_size:
            print('c error')
            return self.creat_pop(1)
            # return parent1
        return newGene

    def mutate(self, gene):
        if np.random.rand() > self.m_rate:
            return gene
        index1 = np.random.randint(0, self.city_size - 1)
        index2 = np.random.randint(index1, self.city_size - 1)
        newGene = self.reverse_gen(gene, index1, index2)
        if newGene.shape[0] != self.city_size:
            print('m error')
            return self.creat_pop(1)
        return newGene

    def reverse_gen(self, gen, i, j):
        if i >= j:
            return gen
        if j > self.city_size - 1:
            return gen
        parent1 = np.copy(gen)
        tempGene = parent1[i:j]
        newGene = []
        p1len = 0
        for g in parent1:
            if p1len == i:
                newGene.extend(tempGene[::-1])  # 插入基因片段
            if g not in tempGene:
            p1len += 1
        return np.array(newGene)

    def exechange_gen(self, gen, i, j):
        c = gen[j]
        gen[j] = gen[i]
        gen[i] = c
        return gen

    def evolution(self):
        tsp = self
        for i in range(self.ga_num):
            best_f_index = np.argmax(tsp.fitness)
            worst_f_index = np.argmin(tsp.fitness)
            local_best_gen = tsp.pop[best_f_index]
            local_best_dist = tsp.gen_distance(local_best_gen)
            if i == 0:
                tsp.best_gen = local_best_gen
                tsp.best_dist = tsp.gen_distance(local_best_gen)

            if local_best_dist < tsp.best_dist:
                tsp.best_dist = local_best_dist    #记录最优值
                tsp.best_gen = local_best_gen    #记录最个体基因
                tsp.pop[worst_f_index] = self.best_gen
            print('gen:%d evo,best dist :%s' % (i, self.best_dist))
            tsp.pop = tsp.select_pop(tsp.pop)         #选择淘汰种群
            tsp.fitness = tsp.get_fitness(tsp.pop)    #计算种群适应度
            for j in range(self.pop_size):
                r = np.random.randint(0, self.pop_size - 1)
                if j != r:
                    tsp.pop[j] = tsp.cross(tsp.pop[j], tsp.pop[r])    #交叉种群中第j,r个体的基因
                    tsp.pop[j] = tsp.mutate(tsp.pop[j])    #突变种群中第j个体的基因
            self.best_gen = self.EO(self.best_gen)    #极值优化,防止收敛局部最优
            tsp.best_dist = tsp.gen_distance(self.best_gen)    #记录最优值

    def load_Citys(self):
        # 中国34城市经纬度
        self.citys = coordinates
        self.city_size = self.citys.shape[0]

    def gen_distance(self, gen):
        distance = 0.0
        for i in range(-1, len(self.citys) - 1):
            index1, index2 = gen[i], gen[i + 1]
            distance += distmat[index1][index2]
        return distance

    def ct_distance(self, city1, city2):
        d = np.sqrt((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2 + (city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)
        return d

    def draw(self):
        bestpath = self.best_gen

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 10))
        axes[0].plot(self.best_length, 'k', marker='*')
        axes[0].set_title('Average Length')

        #线条颜色black https://blog.csdn.net/ywjun0919/article/details/8692018
        #axes[1].plot(lengthaver, 'k', marker='<')
        axes[1].set_title('Best Length')
        plt.plot(coordinates[:, 0], coordinates[:, 1], 'r.', marker='>')
        plt.xlim([-100, 2000])
        plt.ylim([-100, 1500])

        for i in range(numcity - 1):
            m, n = int(bestpath[i]), int(bestpath[i + 1])
            print("best_path:",m, n)
            plt.plot([coordinates[m][0],coordinates[n][0]],   [coordinates[m][1], coordinates[n][1]],  'k')

        plt.plot([coordinates[int(bestpath[0])][0],coordinates[int(bestpath[51])][0]],    [coordinates[int(bestpath[0])][1],coordinates[int(bestpath[51])][1]]   ,'b')
        print self.gen_distance(self.best_gen)

tsp = TSP(0.6, 0.1, 300, 1000)



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